Mustang Message 3/17/23
Dear East Sandy Mustangs, Top ‘O the mornin to ya! I hope that everyone is having a great Saint Patrick’s day! Below is information from
Mustang Message 2/24/23
Dear East Sandy Mustangs, What a wild winter week but we made it through. Below is information from the school and PTA regarding Parent Teacher
Mustang Message 2/14/23
Dear East Sandy Mustangs, Happy Valentine’s Day! It has been a busy couple of weeks and the kids have been great! Below is information from
Mustang Message 1/20/23
Dear East Sandy Mustangs, I hope that everyone has had a great start to the new year. Below is information from PTA regarding White Ribbon
Mustang Message 12/13/22
Dear East Sandy Mustangs, I have a couple of things to share for this week so please check out the information and important dates below.
Mustang Message 12/5/22
Dear East Sandy Mustangs, I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is looking forward to Winter Break. I have a couple of things