8295 South 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

About Us

Who We Are

With the magnificent view of the Wasatch Mountains to the east and the stunning Oquirrh Mountains to the west, East Sandy Elementary is quietly nestled in the heart of Sandy City.  Serving just over 400 students in grades K-5, East Sandy prides itself in the quality of educators that engage learners every day.  From the moment the breakfast doors open, until the last student leaves the building, East Sandy Mustangs are Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Kind.  East Sandy offers several after-school programs such as Techniteer Troupe, Battle of the Books, Student Council, Jr. Coach Leaders, and even a before school Christmas Choir in the fall.

Our Mission

East Sandy strives to provide an environment of excellence that exceeds the needs of all of its learners.  East Sandy is dedicated to respecting diversity, encouraging community involvement, promoting the social-emotional growth of all learners, and creating a life-long love of learning.

2019-2020 Goals

East Sandy has written the 2019-2020 goals to meet the specific needs of each grade level, ensuring they are specific and challenging.
The kindergarten program will increase the number of students proficient on Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) from the middle of the year benchmark to the end of year benchmark by 10%.
First, Second, and Third Grades:
By May of 2020, 60% of East Sandy’s first, second, and third grade students will make typical or above typical growth on the Acadience Pathways of Progress (Reading Composite Score) from the Fall Benchmark to the Spring Benchmark.
Fourth Grade:
By May 2020, 90% of students will gain 100 points on the Reading Inventory (RI) from the Fall Benchmark to the Spring Benchmark.
Fifth Grade:
By May of 2020, East Sandy’s fifth grade will improve Reading Inventory (RI) scores from the Fall Benchmark to Spring Benchmark in the following groups:
-80% of students who are at or above benchmark will improve their score by at least 75 points.
-Students who are below and well below will be progress monitored on a pathway using Acadience and make typical or above typical growth.

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