Dear Parents:
It is important that we obtain an accurate list of all children qualifying for kindergarten in the Canyons School District for the 2025-26 school year. If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2025, the child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program. State law requires that all school districts in Utah abide by the same September 1st entrance cut-off date. You will be required at enrollment to provide the school with the child’s immunization record, certified copy of birth certificate and proof of residency (a current month’s utility bill).
If you know of a neighbor that has a qualifying kindergarten child, please share this information with them or encourage them to call the school (801-826-8425) and register their kindergarten child.
We would appreciate if we could get all incoming kindergarteners enrolled by February 28, 2025.
East Sandy offers full day, tuition free kindergarten. If you are interested in half-day kindergarten, please email Principal Ashbridge (daniel.ashbridge@canyonsdistrict.org) to declare your interest.
Kindergarten Orientation is scheduled for Friday, April 18th at 2:00 pm. In March we will send out more information to those who have enrolled.
To register in a Canyons District school, you must first enroll your child using our secure, Skyward Family Access portal. Students who are new to Canyons, have never attended one of our schools, and do not have a Skyward Family Access account, will need to create one by selecting Temporary Account for New Student Enrollment.
If you already have a Skyward Family Access account, or a temporary account has already been created, please click New Student Enrollment to be taken to the login screen. If you need to have your Family Access password reset, please use the Forgot Your Login/Password option on the login screen or call the school one of your children is currently attending