8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

Student Conduct

East Sandy has a long tradition of excellence. As part of our school community, our students are expected to be caring and respectful of themselves, of each other, and of their school and its property. Please read the following section with your student and discuss the ideas and rules.

Be Kind. Be Safe. Be Respectful and Be Responsible. It is very important to tell your student that YOU expect him/her to follow these rules!

Lunch Room Conduct

  • Show respect for the supervisor at all times.
  • Use soft speaking voices in the cafeteria.
  • Clean up after yourself. Pick up any food you drop.
  • Walk. Site where you are assigned.
  • Do not take food, milk cartons, candy, etc. out of the cafeteria.

Building Conduct

  • Walk in the halls.
  • Enter and exit the building through your own grade level doors only.
  • Students are required to follow all classroom rules.
  • Pets /animals are not allowed in school.

Assembly Conduct

  • Enter and exit quietly.
  • No talking once students enter the Gym.
  • Show appreciation by applauding. No hooting or whistling.
  • Unacceptable behavior will be cause for dismissal from the assembly.

Restroom Conduct

  • Each student is expected to show good judgment and proper behavior. Treat bathrooms as you would at home.
  • Flush, wash and leave.
  • Restrooms are not places to meet with friends.
  • Be considerate of people using the restroom after you. Leave it clean.

Playground Conduct

  • SAFETY FIRST- If it’s dangerous or could hurt someone, don’t do it!
  • Use equipment in the way it was intended. Do not use broken equipment.
  • Report broken equipment to the person supervising the playground.
  • Solve differences without hitting or using bad language. If you have a problem, talk with a teacher or playground supervisor.
  • Snowball throwing is not allowed.

Safety Before and After School

  • Enter and exit through grade level doors only.
  • Use sidewalks and crosswalks- do not take shortcuts.
  • Stop, look, and listen before crossing or entering parking lots.
  • Remember, it takes much longer for cars to stop than people.
  • Follow parking lot procedures as a pedestrian and passenger.
  • Going to and from school, students are required to stay on sidewalks and off of private property.
  • After dismissal, students should leave school immediately and begin walking home.

Severe Behavior Policy

  • Dangerous behavior/fighting may result in suspension or exclusion.
  • Persistent behavior problems may result in suspension or exclusion.
  • Please read Canyons District Policy: Discipline of Students carefully. Behavior that puts other students in danger will not be tolerated.