March Wellness Word of the Month – Values
The wellness word of the month for March is VALUES. Values are the beliefs that are most important to us. They help us make decisions

February Wellness Word of the Month – Authenticity
This month the wellness word is AUTHENTICITY! Authenticity is the power of knowing and valuing one-self. This month Ms. Paige will be teaching lessons encouraging

January Wellness Word of the Month – Practice
January is the month of PRACTICE! Students and teachers alike coming back from break benefit from reminders and opportunities to practice our routines from the

December Wellness Word of the Month – Celebration
December’s Wellness word of the Month is CELEBRATION. This month, Ms. Paige will be visiting our classrooms to teach an engaging and interactive lesson about

November Wellness Word of the Month – Perspective
This month at East Sandy, Ms. Paige, the School Social Worker, will be teaching lessons about the concept of PERSPECTIVE in all classrooms. Our students

October Wellness Word of the Month – Play
The wellness word of the month for October is PLAY! Ms. Paige, our school social worker, will be teaching lessons in each classroom about the