8295 South 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

September 9, 2021 – Minutes

East Sandy Elementary School Community Council

Monthly Meeting AgendaThursday, September 9, 2021, 4 PM

Call to Order by Bryan Rudes at 4:00 PM

Note Taker- Alison Stroud

Time Keeper-

  1. Introductions- Nicole Chaves (virtual), Mark Giecek, Bryan Rudes, Alison Stroud, Ginny Watts, Lindsey Jeppson
  2. SCC elections information and positions- Dale Stephens
  3. Election for Chari and Vice Chair- Ryan Barnes Chair, Courtney Martin Vice Chair. Motion made by Alison Stroud, Second by Courtney Martin, motion passes 7-0
  4. Remove Lindsey from SCC
  5. Update SCC Rosters

           Bryan Rudes    bryan.rudes@canyonsdistrict.org

          Alison Stroud alison.stroud@canyonsdistrict.org

          Ginny Watts    ginny.watts@canyonsdistrict.org

          Nicole Chaves  nkchav@gmail.com

          Shawna Bell    bellcrew@gmail.com

6. Establish Rules and Orders of Procedures for Meeting- SCC uses  Roberts Rules of Order, more information will be given at the training

7. SCC Training- sign up for training- 2 dates remaining, Mr. Rudes will send out more information including the location

     September 9, 2021

     September 14, 2021

   8. Set Meeting Dates and Times for the Year- Third Thursday of each month at 4:00

  9. Review Land Trust Budgets- budget not available at this time. Brian will have updated budgets later this month.

   10. Safety Plan was approved last fall. Still interested in a second crosswalk on 1000 East or a sidewalk in County area.

11.  Next meeting- Thursday, September 30, 2021 at 4:00 PM

12. Motion to adjourn at 4:15 PM by Ryan Barnes, seconded by Courtney Martin

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