8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

September 15, 2022 – Minutes

East Sandy Elementary School Community Council Monthly Meeting Agenda
Thursday, September 15th, 2022, 4pm Virtual Meeting

Call to Order by – Time – 4.06

Note Taker – Courtney

Time Keeper – Alison

Members Present – Mark Giecek, Ryan Barnes, Alison Stroud, Courtney Martin, Bryan Rudes, Dale Stephens, Shawnee Bell

  1. Introductions

  2. SCC elections information and positions

  3. Election for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and PTA Representative

    Results: Ryan Barnes chair, Dale Stephens Vice Chair, Courtney Martin Secretary, PTA rep will be appointed.

  4. Update SCC Rosters

  5. Establish Rules and Orders of Procedures for Meetings

  6. District SCC Training

    Training: 27 September 10-11.30 or 6 to 7.30 15 September 6-7.30

  7. Set Meeting Dates and Times for the Year

    3rd Thursday of the month

Next meeting: 27 October due to Fall Break on the third Thursday

17 November

8. School Safety

All SCC members please sign up as a volunteer. School doors are locked all day except for a 10 minute period in the morning for students to enter the school. All visitors must enter through front doors and sign in the office. IDs to sign out or meet with students.
Question: Could we get more computers to expedite sign in for parents. Answer: Yes!
Fire drills need some refining. Faculty will meet on Monday, 19 September to review.

9. TSSA funds

We received extra funds in our TSSA funds. East Sandy would like to use the funds towards a third 5th grade teacher as our class sizes are currently 32 per class. The financial impact is basically 0 to what we have already planned due to, .5 FTE allocated to us by the district, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds and unused funds from last year.
Voted: 8 people approved for a third 5th grade teacher. 🙂

Motion to adjourn: Courtney Martin Seconded by Dale Stephens