8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

September 13, 2023 – Minutes

Call to Order by – Time – 3:49pm End at 4:45pm.

Note Taker – Principal Ashbridge

Time Keeper – Principal Ashbridge

Members Present – Dan Ashbridge, Chris Mendez, Maria Clayton, Allision Stroud, Matt Koster, Mark Giesek, Mike Dericott, Makenzie. Zern,  Dale Stephens (virtual)

  1. Introductions
  2. SCC elections information and positions
    • Election for Chair (Dale Stephens), Vice Chair (Matt Koster) , Secretary (Mike Dericott), and PTA Representative (Maria Clayton)
  3. Update SCC Rosters
    • SCC Rosters will be updated via Land Trust website and East Sandy’s webpage
  4. Review Budgets
    • Planned Budget that was approved in Spring of 2023
      • Land Trust $54,898.14
      • TSSA $60,946.93
  5. Establish Rules and Orders of Procedures for Meetings
    • Read through the recommendations for conducting SCC meeting
  6. District SCC Training
    • Principal Ashbridge presented training dates.  Dale Stephens emphasized how helpful the district training was and how they focused on school safety and security measures.
  7.  Set Meeting Dates and Times for the 2nd Wednesday of Month at 3:45 pm. Next meeting on October 11th. Plug on SCC Training for safety protocols.
  8. School Safety – Fire Drill and Evacuation, Cell phones and booster boxes. Shared school safety plan and updated committee on the latest fire drill. Discussed new terms for safety and focusing on entry points.
  9. Additional Items
    • Look at by laws for next meeting. They can be found on the school’s website. Discuss next time the term limits for members.