8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

October 9, 2024 – Minutes

SCC Agenda October 9th 2024

Attendees: Maria Fuskandrakis, Matt Koster, Chris Mendoza, Mike Derricott, Sean Zimmerman, Makenzie Zern, Alison Stroud, Paige Mangan, Kelsey Gile, Dan Ashbridge

Motion to being meeting at 3:45pm 

Motion was made to begin meeting and it was seconded.  Principal Ashbridge presented the agenda and asked for approval to go through a different order than what was posted due to teacher and staff presenters’ time considerations. 

Approve Previous Minutes

Motion to approve previous minutes.  Seconded on the basis that a spelling 

School Digital CitizenShip Plan

Ms. Zern is the Digital Citizenship coordinator for East Sandy.  She presented the plan to SCC. The plan was then compared to the previous year’s plan. The main difference is working to incentivise digital safety throughout the year vs. just during one week of time.

-Discussion was had on the cell phone plan and the means for communicating with students during the day.  The primary means of communication should go through the front office via telephone call. 

Motion made to approve citizenship plan, seconded and approved. 

Presentation & Discussion on Social Worker

Ms. Paige presented on how she works with students at East Sandy. Question came up on how students are identified for service. Ms. Paige described East Sandy’s Student Support Teams process and the multiple layers of support offered to students. 

-There was also a discussion pertaining to what supports looks like for the ABS program and students with IEPs vs. working with a social worker.  The difference is students with an IEP are served through the school Psychologist. 

Safe Walking Routes

SCC reviewed previous year’s safe walking routes by analyzing the map and the written descriptions.  Much discussion pertained to the area in East Sandy’s boundary next to 9000 S. at the Quarry Bend. There is not good access and walking routes. It is also pushing to the maximum distance before needing busing. Discussion was also had about adding crosswalks, stop lines, and changing the side of the road student walk on. 

SCC proposed amending he safe walking routes to:

  • Students walking on 880 E stay on the West side of the street. 

  • There is a pathway that leads out on Vics Rd. Add crosswalk right where that comes out from north to south. 

  • Students stay on the north side of the street and turn left. Continue down 865 E. to 8270 S. where there is a crosswalk to school. 

  • Place crosswalk at 865 E. 8270 S. 

  • Concern with students walking at Cycs Rd. and Johnston way.  Quarry Bend to 7th turn right on 8600 S. 

  • Add additional crossing guard at South to North on 8600 S. and 700 E. 

  • There was discussion on busing students from the quarry with the distance. 

Additional Items Introduced

PTA representative brought up additional concerns with students during recess advocating for students to have more autonomy and free play.  It was also brought up that great communication on morning and recess procedures would help clarify misconceptions and alleviate concerns.  Principal Ashbridge agreed to work with the PTA president as well as encourage parental volunteers. 

Motion was made to move the School Safety Plan to the next meeting. It was seconded. 

Motion was made to end the meeting at 6:03pm and was seconded. 

Next meeting on the second Wednesday of November.