8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

October 11, 2023 – Minutes

East Sandy Elementary School Community Council

Monthly Meeting Agenda

Zoom Link: https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/84605636127

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023, 3:45 – 4:45 pm

Call to Order by – Time –3:53pm

Note Taker – Dan Ashbridge

Time Keeper – Chris Mendez

Members Present –Dale Stephens (virtual),  Dan Ashbridge, Makenzie Zern, Chris Mendez, Mike Dericott, Mark, Giecek

Members Excused- Matt Dericott, Allision Stroud, Maria Clayton


  1. Start Meeting
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes: Previous Minutes Approved
  3. Changes made to website: email changed for spelling dalelstephens@gmail.com & Mark Giecek (correct spelling)
  4. Bylaws Review: Principal Ashbridge will check on the four years vs. two-year terms. It was members understanding that SCC was a two-year term.
  5. Cell Tower Budget to Principal’s Discretionary ($4,741.76): Approved, this will be used to support teachers at the school.
  6. Safe Walking Routes/ Digital Citizenship/ Safety Plan -Plans Approved
    1. Parking lot concern. Parents at pick-up are having children walk through the parking lot and go to the car instead of getting out. Discussed parents who park in the parking lot park in areas that are not designated as parking spots during pick up. This creates an unsafe parking area (suggestion of putting a cone there or something to prevent people from parking there). Principal Ashbridge suggested putting a cone out and reach out to the district to paint the areas so it is clearer indicating that people should not park there.  Additional communication to parents with mapping via Parent Square and student council can do a video for the kids so that it is modeled was discussed.
    2. Remove right turn only sign at pick-up drop-off exiting.
    3. Discussed the practice of identifying parents or designated persons to check out students. Show ID.
  7. Adjourn 4:48pm