8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

November 18, 2021 – Minutes

East Sandy Elementary School Community Council

Monthly Meeting Agenda 

Thursday, November 18th, 2021, 4pm

Call to Order by –         Bryan Rudes                Time – 4:04 PM

Note Taker –   Alison Stroud

Time Keeper – 

Members Present – Bryan Rudes, Alison Stroud, Ginny Watts, Ben White, Nicole Chaves, Shawnee Bell, Ryan Barnes, Mark Giecek

Review of Minutes from previous meeting- Motion to approve Shawnee Bell, second Ginny Watts


  1. Digital Citizenship Plan- Courtney discussed last month, reviewed and parents felt they had received adequate information on filtering, digital citizenship, and family involvement.
  2. Review the Safety Plan- report was projected and reviewed.  Ms. Bell asked protocol for subs and specifically if there isn’t one.  Brian reviewed additional support staff that is available to step in necessary and 1 parent that has signed up as an emergency sub.  Number 1 safety concern for East Sandy is: crosswalk wanted on 1000 East, parents dropping students off on the west side of 865 East and allowing students to run across the street to the school.
  3. Zones of Emotional Regulation- Ben White introduced and included a timeline and overview of the program with planned implementation January 2022.  Program is not intended to teach character education.  Shawnee asked how this program connects to bullying.  Program doesn’t address bullying but could be an additional component.  District is continuing to review SEL curriculums as a possible district wide use.  Alison Stroud asked if this was similar to the Incredible 5-Point Scale.  Nicole stated that as a parent she did not feel she was being taken care of because of the hesitancy to address social/emotional health for students.  Brian reassured her by reiterating that the District is looking at a Portrait of a Student curriculum.
  4. Review the TSSP Goals and Data from 2020-2021- Bryan passed out a summary of grade level goals and achievement for last year.


Motion to adjourn at 4:53 PM by Ginny Watts and seconded by Mark Giecek