8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

March 17, 2022 – Minutes

East Sandy Elementary School Community Council

Monthly Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 17th, 2022, 4pm

Call to Order by – Bryan Rudes                        Time – 4:02 PM

Note Taker – Alison Stroud

Time Keeper – Courtney Martin

Members Present – Barnes, Dale Stephens, Courtney Martin, Bryan Rudes, Alison Stroud, Clareen Arnold, Nicole Chavez, Shawnee Bell

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes from February 

          Motion to approve by Ryan seconded by Dale

  1. Amendment for the 4th Grade Goal Approved- school board approved so we can move forward
  2. TSSP Goals for Next Year- SCC is the first to look at the goals, BLT will review them next week, we reviewed goals for 2022-2023, new 5th grade level adjustment will state that students below/well below will either achieve the goal OR make the yearly 75-100 point growth.  Ryan Barnes inquired about measurability of goals.  Action plan was discussed by Bryan.    


Request from SCC is for Clareen to inquire about teacher read alouds and reading novels, request was also made to allow teachers to encourage/require students to check out specific books on a child’s reading level (1 of their 2 books they are permitted to check out each week).  Dale Stephens asked more questions about the age of our current library books and stated that older books often have excellent literary opportunities.  Bryan will speak with Nicole Goring to ensure there is an agenda item for Ryan and Bryan to meet with PTA and brainstorm ideas on reading.  

No questions from SCC about the School Climate goal.

  1. FTE for Next Year- We will be downsized by 0.5 FTE for the 2022-2023 school year.  Our current Kindergarten teacher is moving to another elementary school, one current second grade teacher will be moving to first grade, one 5th grade teacher will move to kindergarten and teach 2 half-day teachers.  This will give 1 full day FT Kindergarten teacher, 1 full time K teacher teaching 2 half day session, 3 first grade sessions, 2 second grade sessions, 3 third grade classrooms, 3 fourth grade classrooms, and 2 fifth grade classrooms
  2. Expenditure Reports
    1. What have we used?  
    2. If we have left over funding what do we want to spend it on?


Spreadsheet was reviewed and not questions were raised.

Motion to adjourn made by Courtney at 4:57, seconded by Dale Stephens- motion passes 8-0.