8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

January 16, 2020 – Minutes

School Community Council

January 16, 2020 @ 4:00 pm Collaboration Room

East Sandy Elementary School


X Angela Wilkinson
X Anne Hansen
X Jill Hawkins
X Courtney Martin

☐ Travis Sanford
X Andrew Luker
X Chris Pew
X Ryan Barnes
☐ Lindsey Jeppeson
☐ Dalton Myers


Meeting Start time: 4.02 pm

1. Changes in drop-off pick up have really helped

SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order: Angela

  2. Approval of November Minutes

November meetings approved by Jill Hawkins, Seconded by Chris Pew

Principals Report:

  1. Attendance Plan review and approval Will be posted on the school website.

  2. Emergency Drill Report – 100% Drills done through January
    Today: fire drill. New custodian learning the routine.
    DIR-S app on teachers’ phones. Teachers will continue to practice. Drills are helpful for administration, students, teachers, EVERYBODY!

  3. SNAP Plan:
    Safe routes are all the same. A couple of concerns for the district and the community to be addressed.

4. Looking ahead – Data Review, TSSA, Landtrust
Benchmark testing in next week. Next meeting! CSIP goals are usually due prior to April. The district is continuing to ask for growth.

     a. Teachers have already started their conversations in regards to goals for next year.

PTA Input:

1. Adjourn until next meeting
Anne Hansen adjourns meeting, Jill Hawkins seconded

School Climate:
-Turnover in the ABS department faculty. New people are being hired for various positions. Student numbers are steady.

Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2019-2020

Next Meeting: Feb. 20, 2020 Meeting End time: 4:25 p.m.