8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

January 16, 2020 – Agenda


☐ Angela Wilkinson
☐ Anne Hansen
☐ Jill Hawkins
☐ Courtney Martin

☐ Travis Sanford
☐ Andrew Luker
☐ Chris Pew
☐ Ryan Barnes
☐ Lindsey Jeppeson
☐ Dalton Myers


Meeting Start time: _____________

1. Changes in drop-off pick up have really helped

SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order

  2. Approval of November Minutes

Principals Report:
1. Attendance Plan review and approval
2. Emergency Drill Report – 100% Drills done through January
3. SNAP Plan
4. Looking ahead – Data Review, TSSA, Landtrust
     a. Teachers have already started their conversations in regards to goals for next year.

PTA Input:

1. Adjourn until next meeting School Climate:

Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2018-2019

Next Meeting:
Meeting End time: _______