8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

February 20, 2020 – Minutes

School Community Council Agenda
February 20, 2020
4:00 pm in Collaboration Room

East Sandy Elementary


X Angela Wilkinson
X Anne Hansen
X Jill Hawkins
☐ Courtney Martin

X Travis Sanford
X Andrew Luker
X Chris Pew
X Ryan Barnes
X Lindsey Jeppeson
X Dalton Myers

*Anne Clyde- Faculty
*Wendy Davis- Utah House District 45 Candidate

Meeting Start time: __4:02________


  1. Communication about parking lot, drop-off and pick-up have really helped and we are seeing a difference. Also including safety patrol in morning announcements.

  2. Winter Benchmark data showing growth

  3. Celebrating new custodian

  4. Andrew Luker appreciates and applauds efforts in compiling data and the growth it represents.

  5. Ryan Barnes supports grade-level goals

SCC Business:

  1. Call meeting to order: Angela Wilkinson

  2. Approval of January Minutes
    Motion to approve: Jill Second: Lindsey

Principal’s Report:

1. Emergency Drill Report – 100% Drills done through February
     a. This month we did a shelter-in-place drill
     b. Following drill schedule

2. Data Review
     a.  Analyzing as a faculty
     b.  Was submitted to SCC in advance of meeting
     c.  Framework: data-based decision making; data available to public
     d.  Office Discipline Referrals: 428 on track this year; 415 on track last year; suggests our MTSS Aides making a difference.
     e.  Attendance: Term 1: 281 on track, 258 last year. Term 2: 269 on track 179 last year.
     f.  Academic CSIP growth data review
     g. Utah Growth Goal (UGG) Review
          i.  We see a need for additional interventions in 1st grade to match growth with 2nd and 3rd grades.
     h.  95% Tier II Intervention growth data: this is encouraging and indicates the intervention is working. Considering Saxon Phonics for 1st grade for next year. For the rest of this year, we will be starting students on 95% group because they are now eligible.

     a.  Lowered class size in first grade
          i.  Positive results include decreased negative behaviors, increased engagement, and improved math scores. Class sizes changed from roughly 30 to roughly 20.
          ii.  We are wating for next year’s FTE based on projected numbers. This will help determine how many teachers we need (and can fund) for each grade.
     b. MTSS Aid funding (teaches lessons in classes, monitors lunchroom, check-in/check-out, behavior response, collecting data)

4. Land Trust
     a. New program bought and implemented – we are seeing good growth with this new program: 95% group
     b. Three curriculum interventionists teach the program during Tier II time
          i. One aide does some enrichment work in some grades
     c. New technology devices bought – want to continue funding additional purchases for technology next year
          i. 2nd grade indicates high need for increased materials
     d. MTSS Aid funding – (teaches lessons in classes, monitors lunchroom, check-in/check-out, behavior response, collecting data)
          i. Currently have 2, have used funding to increase hours

5. Proposed Land Trust goals for next year.
     a. Focus on ELA and growth
     b. Individual grade level goals review
          i.  Some schools choose 1 school-wide goal
          ii. We like the way we are targeting each grade

6. Questions
     a. Proposed changes to ABS? Discuss under school climate

PTA Input:

1. The PTA is looking at revising the PTA budget for the 2020-2021 school year and would like to know what items are most important to you. They would also like to know what you would like to see more funding go to and any you would like to see disappear.
a.  Ribbon Weeks ($700)
b.  Class party treats ($400)
     i. Considering decreasing
c. Dads and Donuts($650)     
     i.  Ryan expressed Dads and Doughnuts decrease as a loss in the community
     ii.  Watchdogs?
d.  Grands and Goodies($650)
e.  Field Trips ($3000)
f.  Mustang Stampede ($350)
g.  Parents in Education (P.I.E.) Night ($350)
     i. Opportunities for teachers to rotate
h.  Popcorn Friday/Spirit Day ($150)
i.  Spirit Week ($1000)
     i.  Student Council feedback: whole group celebration instead of individual gifts
j. Teacher Appreciation ($1500)

2.  Take home is that we appreciate the PTA and all they do. We appreciate being asked for feedback and/but respect their stewardship of the fund they work so hard to raise.
3.  We support efforts to decrease community expectations of PTA. They give so much in time and effort.

School Climate:
1. Ms. Fox will be leaving us on March 3 due to moving out of state
     a.  High turnover in teachers and paraeducators in ABS units
     b.  4/13 students will be going to middle school. We are anticipating low numbers next year.
     c.  Positive interactions during morning meetings. Seems like mainstreamed students are benefiting from these interactions.

2. We opened up our school for all day Kindergarten and we did not have enough applicants

Wendy Davis, candidate for House District 45, visited meeting and introduced herself.

  • Proponent of full-day Kindergarten

  • Happy to learn about East Sandy

    Upcoming School Community Council Meeting for 2019-2020

    Next Meeting: 3/19 4:00
    Meeting End time: _______

    Future agenda items:
    Next meeting we need to draft LAND TRUST allocations Due early April