8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

February 14, 2024 – Minutes

East Sandy Elementary School Community Council

Monthly Meeting Agenda

Zoom Link: https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/82081596342

Wednesday, February 14th, 2024  3:45 – 4:45 pm

Call to Order at– 3:48pm

Note Taker – Makenzie Zern


  • Approve previous minutes
    Approved with everyone
  • Elementary Planning Time Proposal
    School board is doing a 3rd reading at the District on February 20th, Vote will be taken that day.

The district leadership has been working on this for a few years, Elementary teachers need more planning time. Time for actually planning the lessons with their team. Causing teachers to stay late and do the work at home, secondary teachers are getting a lot more planning time. The idea is that with more planning time we will have better lessons and interventions for students. PLC-professional learning community. August a task force was created to look at all the details, they got feedback, brain booster teachers are the ones who are getting the most change. It would move planning time to 60 minutes every day Monday-Thursday. This would expand brain boosters to 40-50 minutes and then a recess after to give the teachers that time. The PLC would possibly need to be moved to Friday afternoon.
Boosters would be 4 days a week, it extends the booster time. The bell schedule would be 10 minutes longer on Monday-Thursday.
They are also looking at adding a vice principal but it was decided that this should be looked at separately.

This would change when kids get their recess and the whole schedule would need to be looked at.

The concern that was brought up was that our schools already start early and moving up by 10 minutes would be an issue. Advocate to move the 10 minutes later so all 5 days start at the same time, leaving the only change for Friday is the only day that is short but the start and tardy bell are the same each morning.

  • Acadience Data Review
    Explained what Acadience is and what teachers wrote their goal on. The magic number we want is 71% of students making adequate progress throughout the year or better. This allows students to be more successful throughout the next year and end of year testing.
  • Reading

73% progress in kindergarten
42% progress in 1st grade, teachers are moving to a walk to read for their foundations to address this. This is also the grade that the assessment changes in the winter assessment for students.

68% progress in 2nd grade

54% progress in 3rd grade

48% progress in 4th grade
71% progress in 5th grade


  • Math

88% progress in kindergarten

39% progress in 1st grade

48% progress in 2nd grade

60% progress in 3rd grade

44% progress in 4th grade

53% progress in 5th grade

Teachers are attending a math professional development once a month for specific math teaching skills.


  • Budget Updates
    Land trust-most money we allocated to half of our Social Worker. She comes into classrooms and works individually and in groups with students.

We are on track for our budget, we are at 31,000.00 left in that budget
We used some of this for subs for teaching planning time. If the board approves would some of this change?
TSSA-We did get an extra 20,000.00 so that we can keep our reading specialists longer and not cut them off in the spring.

We also had Ms. Glory in the front office helps in our high needs classrooms with our language development for translation.

We are underspending on supplies, he is looking to buy more incentives for students.

TSSA makes it easier to buy food and prizes for students.
Something might be helpful is to show how much time Ms. Andrea is spending in classrooms so that we can see where she is and how that money is being spent.

  • Planning for Next Year’s Improvement Plan
    We have 3 meetings left, this approval could be a big driver of spending. March SCC will be more heavy lifting on budget.
  • Address safe routes/ Crosswalk update

Nothing else to add on, we all would like that crosswalk to be a school crosswalk added on. It has been submitted and it’s pending and in progress, this will be for next year. We can talk about speed bumps in front of the school for next years plan.

  • Adjourn at 5:01