8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

February 10, 2022 – Minutes

East Sandy Elementary School Community Council

Monthly Meeting Agenda 

Thursday, February 10th, 2022, 4pm

Call to Order by –  Bryan Rudes                       Time – 4:03pm

Note Taker – Jill Hawkins

Time Keeper – Ginny Watts

Members Present – Bryan Rudes, Dale Stevens, Ryan Barnes, Ginny Watts, Courtney Martin, Shawnee Bell, Mark Giecek, Nicole Chaves

(Jill Hawkins- visitor)


  1. Call to Order – Bryan Rudes
  2. Approve Minutes from November – Motion to approve Ryan Barnes, second Mark Giecek
  3. COVID Update Currently at Tier 2.  Bryan is hopeful we will be Tier 1 soon.  Currently 3 cases in the school.  
  • Shawnee asked the difference between Tier 2 to Tier 1 and Bryan said the main thing is assemblies are allowed in Tier 1.  
  • Will Tier systems always be in place?  At this time, we don’t know.  Tier 1 is business as usual for the most part.  
  1. Zones of Emotional Regulation -Group of 10 teachers out of 17 opted in to do the program.  5 lessons in that program but Hannah is back now and she pushes in to give lessons. District moving to a program called “Picture of a Graduate”  USBE approves that program.  
  2. Amendment for the 4th Grade Goal – Need signatures from members to approve the amendment.  All members support the amendment and signatures will be needed.
  3. Preliminary Testing Data – Review of Mid-year Academic Testing- slides showed all data.  Bryan has requested that all teams have their goals submitted by the end of February.  Bryan will be gone for about 3 weeks starting at the end of March and the new TSSP is due on Apr 11, 2022.  He would like to have the plan done and submitted before he leaves 
  4. Expenditure Reports
    1. What have we used? Funds come from TSSP and Land Trust.
  • Spending in four areas for academic goals.  
  • MTSS specialist, Tier 2 reading interventionists. 
  • Technology
  • Supplies
  • Kindergarten support for IPLC.
  • Buying supplies to supplement and support our new reading curriculum.  Tier 2 also needs additional supplies for their groups.
  1. If we have left over funding what do we want to spend it on?
  • Can be used on substitutes, supplies, etc.  Only funds we may not have spent would be all day BLT.  Everything else will be spent.

Action Items

  • Survey teachers who have Ipads to see how useful they are to decide whether we should spend funds on getting Ipads for all teachers.

Motion to adjourn at 4:50 PM by Mark Giecek and seconded by Shawnee Bell.