8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

December 11, 2024 – Minutes

SCC Agenda December 11th , 2024


Members: Dale Stephans (excused), Maria Fuskandrakis, Matt Koster, Chris Mendez, Mike Derricott, Sean Zimmerman (excused), Alison Stroud, Kelsey Gile, Dan Ashbridge


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3:45- Motion to begin meeting

Motion was made to begin meeting, seconded and approved at 3:49pm


-Approve Previous Minutes

Previous SCC minutes were reviewed and approved


-Review School PBIS Plan

Principal Ashbridge reviewed East Sandy’s PBIS school plan as well as updated the SCC on positive reinforcement through PBIS rewards and staff giving out Mustang Bucks!  This was also compared to the different areas of the school and months of the year.  It was noted that East Sandy’s adults are continuing to recognize positive student behavior consistently from August to December. In the past, schools see a drop in reinforcement as the year goes on.  This indicates that the staff has fully adopted the practice. 


-Amend Safe Walking Routes Map

East Sandy’s Safe Walking Routes needed to be re explored and modified to include a walking route from 9000 S known as the “Quarry Bend” to 8600 S.  The SCC determined that all of the apartment roads would enter Cys Rd. at Ledge Stone Dr., Green Way, Sandia Hills Dr.  and proceed West on Cys Rd. to 700 E. where they will proceed North to 8600 S. which will reconnect them to the current Safe Walking Route.


-Budget Update-Possible plan amendment to spend additional money

Principal Ashbridge updated the SCC on extra money in the  budget of $6,390.16. There is also the option of Carrying over $6,397.73 which could provide up to 12,787.89 for additional support at East Sandy.  SCC agreed upon amending the Land Trust Budget to add an expenditure line for a Math Aid. A motion was made, seconded, and approved. 


-Additional Items

The SCC discussed looking at previous three year plans to see where the focus has been and the impact on student achievement.  It was also discussed to compare East Sandy’s Land Trust plans to that of other schools with similar demographics to ascertain if they are focusing on different areas that could result in great student success. This will be presented during the next SCC meeting. 


– Adjourn

A motion was made to adjourn at 4:44pm. It was seconded and approved.