8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

April 10, 2024 – Minutes (Draft)

East Sandy Elementary School Community Council

Monthly Meeting Agenda

Zoom Link: https://canyonsdistrict-org.zoom.us/j/87343396840

Wednesday, March 20th  3:45 – 4:45 pm

Call to Order at– 3:52pm

Note Taker – Makenzie Zern


  • Approve previous minutes
    Approved with everyone
  • Elementary Planning Time Update
  • Input on 2024-25 Land Trust Improvement Goal

Dan went over the goal of 70% of all students in Kindergarten-5th grade showing typical or above typical growth from fall to spring as measured by Acadience Reading Pathways of Progress.  Explained how this includes all students even the students that are already above grade level and how we want every student to grow regardless of where they are at the start of the year.
The choice to keep it at 70% is due to our ML population
This goal is for Math and for reading. 

  • Input on 2024-25 Land Trust Improvement Plan/expenditure
    $7,500 for Half Day Planning for all teachers

$2,500 3 half day BLT meetings

$37,444.68 Tier II interventionists

$300.00 Coaching Stipend for additional hours of planning for PD

$3,600 Math PD stipend for teachers
$51,982.09 half of our social worker salary for our school climate including wellness words of the month.
$1,000 Wellness word celebrations

$4,000 School Store and Classroom Incentives

$10,286.90 MTSS Behavior Assistant (Ms. Cat)

$1,000 Parental engagement with watch dogs or all pro dads, or other similar programs. 

$6,500 for Math learning software (we currently have Dreambox, looking into ST Math)

Went over the action plan for how to implement and use these funds appropriately. 

  • Adjourn 4:15