8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

Mustang Message 8/22/22

Dear East Sandy Mustangs,

The first week back has been a blast! Having students back in the building is always a great feeling and the Red Carpet event both days was awesome. Thank you to the PTA for all of their support helping with outside duty. I have a couple of things to share for this week so please check out the information below and important dates.

We know that many of you are interested in volunteering this year in the classroom. Please make sure that you have filled out the volunteer application found here and coordinate with the teacher before coming in.

Breakfast and Lunch:
This is just a reminder that breakfast and lunch are no longer free for all this year. Please make sure that you have added money to your students lunch account if you plan on having them buy school lunch.

  • Breakfast is from 7:30am – 8:00am and costs 1 dollar.
  • Lunch costs 2 dollars and the times are different for each grade level.

Pick-up and Drop-off:
If you are dropping off your student in the front of the school please remember to pull all the way forward before letting them out of the car. If you drop off the students at the south end it will backup traffic onto the main street. If you plan on joining your student in the back of the school please park in the parking lot or on the main street and walk with them to the back of the school.

Emergency Substitutes:
We are undergoing a massive substitute shortage across the state and looking for your support. If you are interested in becoming a substitute for the district or just East Sandy please reach out to the main office and Jaralynn Quick can help you walk through the process. This would be a huge support!

Thank you to all the volunteers who showed up for Safety Patrol this week! Please look for an email with specific Volunteer Opportunities coming up (Ribbon Weeks, Birthday Wagon, Book Fair… we have a lot of options!!) and please sign up to be a PTA Member today! It’s the best way to get involved at East Sandy and to keep up with all the activities and information.

Room Parents will be notified this weekend, and we look forward to meeting with you & the teachers on August 26th at 1:30pm at the school.

We will be voting on the Budget & our Bylaws at our First General Meeting on September 6th, 9:00am. Please come!! We will have a lot of information for the year & you can help shape the activities for our students.

Email eastsandypta@gmail.com with questions, and follow along on Instagram @eastsandypta to keep up on happenings. Thanks for your support!!

We are looking for one more member to join our School Community Council this year. If you are interested or would like more information please reach out to Bryan Rudes at Bryan.Rudes@canyonsdistrict.org. More information about the first meeting will be coming out in next week’s Mustang Message.

Important Dates:

  • August 24th – Fire Dill at 9:45AM
  • August 25th – Acadience Testing for 3-5
  • August 26th – Room Parent Meeting after School at 1:30
  • August 31st – Acadience Testing for K-2

Have a great weekend!

Principal Rudes