8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

Mustang Message 3/27/23

Dear East Sandy Mustangs,


What a wild and wintery week! Below is information from the school and PTA.

Spring Break is April 3rd- 7th


Pickup and Dropoff:

When pulling into the pickup and dropoff lane please make sure that you are pulling all the way forward. This stops us from backing up traffic into the street. In some cases it may make the walk for your students a little longer but it is essential that we keep everyone safe and traffic moving.



THANK YOU to every single family who donated toward our East Sandy Fundraising Round-up! Along the way we earned Principal Rudes with BLUE hair! New water bottles for the whole school! A kid’s meal for each student at Jim’s Family Restaurant! AND finally… We met our $10,000 fundraising goal for a free East Sandy Night at Impact Ninja Gym!

It will be this Wednesday, March 29th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at Impact Ninja Gym, located at 10250 W 12th St, Sandy UT 84070. Students from East Sandy Elementary will be admitted for free, and any siblings will be half price! Please wear your Mustang T-shirt and let’s fill the gym with our School Spirit! **Please fill out the waiver for each participant ONLINE to make check-in easier!** https://www.impactninjagym.com/waivers

Congratulations to Ms. Booth’s 2nd grade class for the most donations!

Congratulations to 1st Grade for the grade level competition for Cotton Candy!

Our next PTA Meeting will be on Tues, April 11th at 9am. Come join us!

And Save the Date! We will have a MUSTANG SHOWCASE & ART SHOW at our school on April 18th, from 5:30 – 7:00pm. Come for a Treat, an Art Show, a STEM demonstration, and a showcase from each grade. It will be a fun open house night for our whole school community!



I apologize for having to cancel our last SCC meeting. It has been moved to March 30th at 4pm. We will be looking at our Teacher Student Success Plan and Land Trust Plans for approval.


Important Dates:

  • March 31st – Wellness Word of the Month “Growth Mindset” Awards

  • April 3rd – 7th – Spring Break

  • April 14th – Kindergarten Orientation

  • April 18th – Mustang Spirit Night


Have a great week!!


Principal Rudes