8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

Mustang Message 10/17/22

Dear East Sandy Mustangs,

I have a couple of things to share for this week so please check out the information and important dates below.

Halloween Costumes and Parade:
We will be having Halloween festivities on Monday the 31st. Costumes are allowed on the day of halloween but must be school appropriate which means that they can not include weapons of any kind. If it is an inflatable costume it can only be worn during the parade and not during class. Masks will be allowed during the parade but must be taken off during the school day.

The parade will start at 8:30am. Students will line the halls and walk through the school to show off their costumes to the other students and then exit the building out by the Kindergarten doors and make their way around the track. Parents can stand around the outside of the track and cheer on the students and take pictures. Students and teachers will then reenter the building and head back to their classrooms. School will continue as normal until the determined classroom party time. Each classroom will do their party at different times so please check with your teacher if you are interested in volunteering to help out with the party. Be sure that you have filled out the volunteer applications on the Canyons School District website if you do plan on helping out with the class party.

East Sandy Logo:

East Sandy Logo Launch party – TBD! We are almost ready to reveal our new Mustang mascot & will have special events scheduled soon! Be on the lookout!

School Safety Update:

Throughout the year we practice emergency drills and this Wednesday we will be doing a lockdown drill. As this can be a scary drill, please talk with your students beforehand to try and put them at ease. Here is the link to the district website with more information on emergency drills.


PTA is excited for the Reflections entries we’re receiving! Your student can enter the Reflections Art Program until October 19th (all entries submitted online!) for 6 different categories: 2D Art, 3D Art, Dance, Music, Literature, Film, and Photography. All students who enter will be invited to an Awards Carnival on November 11th. Encourage your students to enter & “Show Your Voice” this year & submit entries online before October 19th. Learn more at https://www.utahpta.org/ref

We will have Red Ribbon Week Oct 24th-28th with a special visit from the Sandy City Police Department, and we will have our East Sandy Halloween Parade on October 31st, with class parties later that day (reach out to your Room Parent or Teacher for information on volunteering!)

At our meeting on October 4th, we voted to move the Fundraiser Week to the Spring of 2023. We appreciate the understanding & support, and look forward to April and our Mustang Spirit Week.


Next meeting is October 27th at 4pm.


Important Dates:

  • October 19th – Reflections Due
  • October 20th & 21st – Fall Break
  • October 24th – 28th – Red Ribbon Week
  • October 26th – Picture Retakes
  • October 28th – Sandy City PD Assembly


Have a great week!


Principal Rudes