8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

East Sandy Happenings – 8/30/24

Dear East Sandy families-
I hope everyone enjoys the long Labor Day weekend break.  Reminder that there is no school on Monday.  On Tuesday we will be kicking off our Blue Ribbon week full of activities and an assembly from our wonderful PTA.  

Dive into History at East Sandy 📜

September is American Founders Month, and we’re diving into the heart of our nation’s history!  At East Sandy,  students are getting hands-on with the United States Constitution, exploring key principles like federalism and separation of powers. Whether it’s through debates, reading sessions, or creative projects, our students are discovering how these ideas still impact our lives today. How is your family engaging with these historical documents?

Finally, we are having many students come to school with “smart watches”. We ask students to treat them the same as other smart devices.  Our procedure at East Sandy is to keep them put away during instructional time.  If you need to contact your child throughout the day, please call the main office at: 801-826-8425 and we will make sure to get the message to your child. 

As always, I’m available to meet and discuss any concerns you may have.
My email is: daniel.ashbridge@canyonsdistrict.org

Always Keep the Spirit of a Mustang!
-Dan Ashbridge Ed.D.

Calendar Information
09/1- Labor Day NO SCHOOL
09/3-09/5 – Kindness Week
09/11 -Picture Day
09/20 – Hearing and Vision Screening
09/23- Parent Teacher Conferences
09/24 – Grown Ups & Goodies
09/25 – Parent Teacher Conferences
09/27 – NO SCHOOL


PTA Information



Tuesday, 9/3
Encourage your child to wear blue or a blue ribbon sticker to help kick- off Kindness week!

Wednesday, 9/4
Our PTA will host and activity at recess to help students write their own positive affirmations and remind them to be kind to themselves and others.

Thursday, 9/5
We are so excited to welcome Stand 4 Kind for a BMX assembly that will promote anti-bulling, kindness, and mindfulness.

Friday, 9/6
We will wrap up Kindness Week with a t 5-4-3-2-1 technique that teaches students how to calm their emotions by using their 5 senses.

Thank you to all the families that came out for Back to School Night!  If you missed it, the PTA presented two new programs: “Book Blitz Jr.” and “Hallway Heroes.”  
To learn more about Book Blitz Jr.visit: https://eastsandyelementary.givebacks.com/w/read 

Are you ready to be a HERO FOR ALL STUDENTS? Then check out “Hallway Heroes” and find ways you can be a super supporter to our school, teachers and students at East Sandy!Hallway Hero SignUp: https://signup.com/go/OqmFTjL
Join us at our next PTA meeting, Tuesday – September 3rd @ 4:00pm in the faculty lounge.Become a PTA Member – We Are Stronger Together, You Belong in PTA! JOIN PTA TODAY: https://eastsandyelementary.givebacks.com/store/items/399158Stay connected follow us on Instagram @eastsandypta we just hit 200 FOLLOWERS!

9/3  PTA General Meeting (4:00-5:00 PM) 
9/3-9/6  Blue Ribbon Week (Kindness)9/5 Stand 4 Kind BMX Assembly! (2:00-2:45pm)
9/11  School Picture Day 🙂
9/13  Birthday Wagon (September)
9/23, 9/25  Scholastic Book Fair (3:15 – 8:00pm)
9/23, 9/25  Parent Teacher Conferences
9/24  Book Blitz Jr. Kick Off (7:45 – 8:00am)