8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

East Sandy Happenings – 1/19/24

Dear East Sandy families-
We had a good short week!  Students are back in the swing of things with school routines and structures.  Teachers are focusing on ensuring that the second half of the year is just as good if not better than the first.  Next week we are going to be administering our benchmark testing.  This is beneficial for teachers to see the great growth with your child.  Please do everything in your power to prioritize being at school.  We are seeing an increase in absences. Our goal is for students to miss no more than ten days a year.   Teachers work hard to keep your student learning at grade level, but it is difficult when your child is absent.  We miss your child when they are gone!
We are also accepting nominations for Teacher of the Year.  Please go to this LINK and nominate your child’s teachers.
“Always keep the spirit of a mustang!”

Please read below for updates. 

Visit us at: https://eastsandy.canyonsdistrict.org

Kindergarten Registration (see flyer): We are starting to enroll for our Kindergarten classes next year.  If you have a child who will be starting with us, please complete the form and turn it in to the office.  Also, please pass this along if you have any neighbors or people in the community that you know have an upcoming kindergartner.  This helps up plan for next year.

Digital Citizenship

Did you know? A whopping 59% of preteens and teens surveyed by Common Sense reported using their phones between midnight and 5 a.m. on school nights. Common Sense Media has practical tips to help kids establish a healthy balance between phones and sleep. https://cnyns.org/48k6C2P

Late Check In Reminder
We had an influx of students checking in 20-30 min after the tardy bell rings. This week approximately 30 students check in late each day.  This makes it difficult for our front office to get accurate lunch counts. Additionally it throws off the consistency of starting the school day in the classroom.  Please help us and try your best to have your child arrive at school before 8:15am.  I appreciate you help with this.
Afternoon Pickup Reminder
Please use the pickup lane or the parking lot at the end of the day only. Do not park on 865 E. to pick up your child or have them cross the road to get to your car.  We want to make sure that all students are safe.

January Wellness Word is Safety (see flyer)
East Sandy’s wellness word of the month is SAFETY! Being safe at school helps us learn, play, and have fun.  There are a lot of ways to stay safe at school: following school rules, understanding safe and unsafe secrets, knowing hot to keep your body safe, practicing safety drills, and more!

PTA HAPPENINGS: Please support our school and join the PTA.
Hello hello!
Audrey & Mikell have worked hard to get all ready for Red & White Ribbon Week next week!
They have handouts going out to all the kids (I’ve attached the copy to this email) and can we make sure it’s advertised in the Newsletter going out today? Thanks! I meant to send this Thursday, so hopefully I’m not too behind.
Attached is the schedule for next week & all the teachers should know about it!
Donuts with Grownups is on Friday, Jan 26th at 7:30am (so I’ll be there setting up around 7:10 heads up! Thanks!)

Keep in touch on instagram @eastsandypta or you can always reach out via email: eastsandypta@gmail.com

Thank you,
East Sandy PTA

Upcoming  Dates
Upcoming events:
Jan 22-26 – Red & White Ribbon Week
Jan 26 – Donuts with Grownups 7:30-8:05am
Interested in Working at East Sandy?
Substitutes – click HERE to apply for substitute positions in Canyons!
There are opportunities to be an emergency sub @ $125 per day at East Sandy, regular substitute @ $150 per day, and licensed substitute at $183 per day.  We would love to have you join our team!  Reach out to Ms. Quick our head secretary, if you need further information.
Sweepers: we are hiring sweepers. I would include the following information:
Age – You must be at least 14 years old
Hours – 2 hours (time can vary per school)
Pay – $11.45/hr.
If they’re interested or would like more information, call Nicole Holland at 801-826-5185.