- PLEASE maintain a 5 mile per hour speed in the school vicinity. Despite repeated instructions and reminders to the contrary, students may sometimes run into the path of vehicles. Very slow vehicle speeds decrease the potential for accidents and injury.
- Please note that we have staff and several student safety patrol members out before and after school to help keep student’s safe. We appreciate your help in following their directions and being respectful to them.
- If you are in the pick-up/drop off driveway, please PULL FORWARD. We try to have as many cars moving in and out of the area as quickly as possible and that means that we use the space wisely. Students have been asked to help remind you to PULL FORWARD. They have agreed that they can walk the extra steps to their final destination.
- DO NOT use or enter the delivery entrance at the south end of the school.
- The driveway at the front (west side) of the school has two lanes. The RIGHT lane is to DROP off and PICK UP students. The LEFT lane is to exit the driveway. Students MUST exit and enter vehicles from the RIGHT side of the vehicle, away from traffic. Once the left lane is entered, vehicles should NOT attempt to enter the right lane.
- Do not park in the driveway, along the sidewalk at the north side of the parking lot, or in the fire lane along the building sidewalk. If you must get out of your vehicle, use the parking lot area and the parking stalls provided. Buses will be entering and leaving this parking lot before and after school on a daily basis.
- If you park in the parking stalls (Area B), you MUST personally WALK your student to or from the school grounds. This will help guard against your child getting in front of a moving vehicle while he/she is trying to get to or from your vehicle. In the interest of SAFETY, students are NOT allowed into the parking stalls area unless accompanied by an adult.
- Where possible, please CAR POOL. This will decrease the flow of traffic among students around the school. Although our parking lot and driveway can accommodate many more vehicles than before, fewer vehicles around students is always more desirable.