8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

Opening Plan 2020-2021

East Sandy Elementary School Plan

V. 1 July 20, 2020

Procedures and Protocols to Mitigate the Risks
All students will be taught proper hygiene and physical distancing guidelines for all areas listed below.  Please click on a topic to expand the section for more information.

  • Parents monitor for symptoms and check student’s temperature daily (Temperature of 100.4).
  • Keep students home if they are ill or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Shortness of breath, Muscle aches and pain, New reduced sense of taste or smell, etc).
  • Communicate with school about risk factors/concerns.
  • Work with teachers to ensure access to online materials during long periods of absence.
  • Reduce the number of visits to school and schedule appointments in advance.
  • Stay informed through school newsletters, social media, and Skyalert communications.
  • Each student will be provided a 2-clasp lanyard (for safety purposes) to attach their face coverings so they have easy “on and off” access to their face coverings throughout the day.
  • Each lanyard will have the students name on it. Example: During lunch face coverings will be worn while standing in line, but once they are seated they will remove their face covering. It will be attached to their lanyard to eliminate setting it down, other students touching the face covering, and will help students keep track of their face coverings.
  • Enter through grade level doors, one class at a time.
  • Mandatory in two lines with physical distance in-between.
  • Line up with distance in-between each class, each teacher will pick up their own kids, one class enters at a time.
  • Students will maintain physical distancing as taught by the teacher.
  • Designate with signs to organize classrooms.
  • Teachers will teach expectations and supervise arrival procedures.
  • Students encouraged to wear face coverings as they arrive.
  • Students will line up at grade level doors (4th & 5th grade doors will be the Southeast doors, 1st and Kindergarten will be the Northeast doors, 3rd & 2nd will be the Southwest doors) will be by teacher using physical distancing guidelines.
  • Students will enter grade level doors.  Teachers will escort students to and from the grade level doors before and after school.
  • Teachers will teach expectations and supervise dismissal procedures.
  • Students encouraged to wear face coverings as they are dismissed if physical distancing is not possible.
  • Signage will be placed on the floor indicating a physical distancing.
  • Students will be encouraged to bring water bottles from home.
  • Action plans will be presented, and training provided to all educational staff.
  • Teachers and students will wear face coverings at all times.  (It will be requested that parents send students with an extra face covering in their backpacks.)
  • Physical distancing will be maintained as possible.
  • Students will be instructed to limit contact with other students and classroom objects.
  • Students will be required to stay in their assigned seat – all forward-facing desks.
  • Students will be asked to report safety and sanitation concerns to their teacher.
  • Extra furniture will be removed (reading corners, etc…) from the classroom to maximize each classroom’s space.
  • Materials will be provided for students who wish to sanitize their desk and chair at the beginning of each day.
  • Teachers will sanitize their equipment as often as possible. Each classroom will have hand sanitizer available for student and teacher use.
  • Seating charts will be required and maintained for the first grading period, (and extended into the next if needed).
  • Flow, and direction lines will be put on the floors, (to be done by August 17th).
  • Signage will be posted on doors.
  • Students will walk on the right side, indicated by signage and floor markings.
  • Students will maintain physical distancing as taught by the teacher.
  • Adults will be present in the hallways to remind students to stay on the right side.
  • Hall passes will be closely monitored by teachers and administration.
  • Full sanitization and cleaning will be done at the end of each day.
  • Hand sanitizing dispensers have been installed throughout the school.
  • Labels on the floor will indicate 6 ft. of physical distancing.
  • Teachers will teach the importance of physical distancing in the restrooms.
  • Education will be provided as well as signage posed on proper hand hygiene practices.
  • High-frequency touch point in the restrooms will be sanitized regularly (three-times daily).
  • Restrooms will be sanitized nightly.
  • Minimize the number of individuals in a restroom at a time.  Provide distancing spots for students who need to wait outside the restroom.
  • Lunch times are staggered to allow for minimal overlap between grade levels.
  • Tables will be marked with an “x” where students are allowed to sit and place their trays.
  • Cafeteria employees will wear face coverings and gloves at all times.
  • Hand sanitizing stations are set up at the entrance/exit of the cafeteria.
  • Tables will be cleaned and sanitized after breakfast and every lunch.
  • Students will wear face coverings while waiting in lines.

Breakfast Considerations

  • Breakfast will be served from 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. with physical distancing protocols in place.
  • Students will enter through front office doors.

Lunch Considerations

  • Lunch times will be staggered to reduce the number of students in line at a time, using physical distancing as possible.
  • Food areas will be sanitized between each lunch and at the end of each day.
  • Outside when weather permitted.
  • Face coverings when physical contact games/sports are played.
  • Students will keep physical distance when at the rug or anywhere in the library.
  • Students and our Media Center Technician will wear face coverings while in the library.
  • Students demonstrating signs of any illness will be required to sit in the health room wearing their face coverings (when appropriate).
  • The school custodian will sanitize after someone has been in there.
  • A nurse will be contacted when students show signs that are related to COVID.
  • If there are more than two students showing signs of illness, we will have vinyl “nap mats” available for students to lie down on in an office wearing a face covering.
  • Students will be outside for less than 15 minutes and engaged in an activity.
  • Equipment (balls, jump ropes, etc…) will be sanitized by recess aids between the grade level recess times.
  • Playground equipment will be sanitized by custodial staff as directed by the district.
  • PBIS Matrix. Teachers at each grade level will decide and coordinate times for teaching the different areas in the school for PBIS with considerations for these mitigation guidelines.
  • If students are learning at the rug, they should only be there 10-15 minutes, and expand your circle to provide physical distancing between students.
  • Consider standing or sitting in a circle with physical distancing for Morning Meeting
  • Teach explicitly a way for students to show they are listening (SLANT) and when they are the speaker in the circle (avoid talking pieces).
  • Students will be asked to use hand sanitizer before OLB and after OLB.
  • Plan, Do, and Review will be more structured, with three rotations to specific stations.
  • Visitors will be given a volunteer log upon entering and will need to log who they work with, and the duration. When volunteers leave they will need to give the log to the office where it will be kept in a binder and given to the volunteer each time they come in.
  • Signs will remind visitors to wear masks and check for symptoms.
  • To assist with contact tracing, visitors who go past the main office reception area will be asked to sign in with their name, date, and destinations’ they will also be required to wear a face covering and visitor badge and conduct a brief temperature check.
  • Visitors are encouraged to schedule appointments in advance with school staff, including counselor, administrators, and teachers.
  • During the first grading period, in an effort to reduce traffic in the office, parents are also encouraged not to deliver lunch or special-occasion items (e.g. balloons, etc.)
  • Visitors are encouraged to stand behind plexiglass screens when interacting with office staff.
  • High-contact items will be disinfected frequently.
  • All technology is assigned to a specific student in the upper grade levels. In the lower grade levels multiple students are assigned to a computer. Students will sanitize in-between use. We will also be adding sanitizing to our regular routine.
  • In the booster classes part of clean-up will be sanitizing their own station.
  • Transportation will provide a seating chart for each student that rides the bus.
  • Administrators will work with transportation to support seating chart development so that students in the same homerooms are seated together.
  • Face coverings will be worn on the bus.
  • We will not be participating in large group activities.
  • Meet the teacher there will be more information to come.
  • Face coverings will be worn by teachers and students when physical distancing is not possible.
  • We only have about 20 students that participate. They will continue to meet in a dedicated room.
  • Students will wear face coverings when appropriate.
  • Students and teacher will observe physical distancing guidelines.
  • Teachers call down to the office prior to sending students with COVID symptoms.
  • Office staff will put on PPE to assess student.
  • Students will be assessed using the state health guidelines.
  • Sick room bathroom will be used to quarantine 1 student with COVID symptoms.
  • Our office can be used for overflow.
  • Contact a school nurse.
  • The custodian will sanitize all areas as needed.
  • The sick room will be used as a sick room for symptoms other than COVID-19.
DescriptorLower RiskHigher Risk
Duration< 15 Minutes> 15 Minutes
Proximity> 6 Feet< 6 Feet
Group Size< Recommended Limit> Recommended Limit
Respiratory OutputNormalIncreased