8295 S. 865 East, Sandy, UT, 84094

East Sandy Happenings – 10/27/23

Dear East Sandy families-
Thank you for a positive week at East Sandy.  Highlights include: our student council going on a field trip to learn about leadership, Jordan High School’s Latinos in Action came and worked with our students who are acquiring English, and a select students had a lunch party for demonstrating acceptance and celebrating diversity. All students showed their super powers today by be accepting of others!

This is the place to be!
“Always keep the spirit of a mustang!”

Visit us at: https://eastsandy.canyonsdistrict.org
Halloween Parade Tuesday October 31 at 8:45am.
Halloween is fast approaching and we wanted to let everyone know the plan for the Halloween Parade. The Halloween Parade will be held on Tuesday, October 31st at 8:45 am. Please send your student to school with everything that they might need for their costume. Students will line the halls and walk through the school to show off their costumes to the other students and then exit the building out the Kindergarten doors and make their way around the track. Parents can stand around the outside of the track to cheer on the students and take pictures. Students and teachers will then reenter the building and head back to their classrooms. Individual class halloween parties are being held at different times throughout the day. Only those parents who have previously signed up to help at the parties with the room parent, and have completed their district volunteer application will be allowed in the classroom. Please contact the Main Office at 801-826-8425 with any questions.

Afternoon Pickup Reminder
Please use the pickup lane or the parking lot at the end of the day only. Do not park on 865 E. to pick up your child or have them cross the road to get to your car.  We want to make sure that all students are safe.

PTA HAPPENINGS: Please support our school and join the PTA.
Our next PTA Meeting is Nov 7th, 9:30-10:30am at the school. Come join us!
Reflection entries have been received and are in the judging stage. Well done to all the students who entered! The Ice Cream & Award party will be on Nov 10th, more info to follow.PTA will be providing Donuts & apple juice for the upcoming Halloween Parties! Reach out to your teacher or your Room Parent if you wish to volunteer for the fun event.

Upcoming  Dates
10/31 – Halloween Parade
11/7 – PTA Meeting
11/8 – SCC Meeting
11/10 – Bomb Threat Drill/Evacuation
11/22-11/24 – Thanks Giving Break No School
Interested in Working at East Sandy?
Substitutes – click HERE to apply for substitute positions in Canyons!
There are opportunities to be an emergency sub @ $125 per day at East Sandy, regular substitute @ $150 per day, and licensed substitute at $183 per day.  We would love to have you join our team!  Reach out to Ms. Quick our head secretary, if you need further information.
Sweepers: we are hiring sweepers. I would include the following information:
Age – You must be at least 14 years old
Hours – 2 hours (time can vary per school)
Pay – $11.45/hr.
If they’re interested or would like more information, call Nicole Holland at 801-826-5185.