East Sandy Happenings – 3/29/24
Dear East Sandy families-Remind all next week. April 1st-5th is Spring Break. There will be no school. We look forward to seeing all of your children back on the 8th.
Dear East Sandy families-Remind all next week. April 1st-5th is Spring Break. There will be no school. We look forward to seeing all of your children back on the 8th.
East Sandy Happenings 03/22/2024Dear East Sandy families-Reminder there is no school on Monday March 25th.We had a wonderful week! Fifth grade was able to see an assembly from the Hale
Dear East Sandy families-We had a wonderful week. Thank you to all who participated in our career fair. Each class had three different presenters share their careers. As the weather
Dear East Sandy families-We had a great week at East Sandy! Students made friendship bracelets and worked to build new relationships. We also had classes make great progress in reaching
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.